Overview of Social Media

Students transitioning to higher education language learning environments face many challenges, chief among them are preparing for your mobility programme and developing digital literacies through the target language.  Being tech comfy does not mean being tech savvy and students’ who can navigate effortlessly through social media sites in their first language, may encounter difficulties understanding digital literacies in an intercultural context.

In the context of language learning, being digitally literate in an intercultural context presents additional challenges for learners.  Understanding and managing your online environment so that you may successfully transition to higher education language learning environments are among these main challenges, with equal importance on developing your intercultural competence, autonomy, and life-long learning skills.

This section encourages students to think about social media for language learning, and the effects that distractive technologies can have on the daily lives of students of higher education.  We also explore the area of personal learning networks (PLNs) and personal learning environments (PLEs) for learning.

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