Online Linguistic Support for Erasmus+

The Online Linguistic Support (OLS) supports language learning for Erasmus+ mobility participants. The OLS offers participants the opportunity to assess their skills in the target language, and selected participants may follow an online language course to improve their competence.

On completion of this task, students will have gained awareness of their language proficiency level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) for the purposes of placement in the target language country. They may also be selected to complete an online language course to improve their language skills.



The online linguistic support for Erasmus+ measures students’ language proficiency prior to their stay abroad period. It is an obligatory element of the Erasmus programme. Students also complete an assessment of their language proficiency after their stay abroad.



  • Once you have registered for the Erasmus programme, you will be notified of your required participation in the proficiency assessment.
  • You will receive login details and asked to complete the assessment online.
  • You will also be asked to repeat the assessment at the end of your stay abroad, to measure your improvement in language proficiency.



Third level institutions vary widely in their approach to accrediting the Erasmus Mobility Programme. Many accept only the ECTS credits that are allocated by the host university as proof of learning during your Mobility Programme.

Where the institution requires students to complete a reflective project or assignment, the results of the online language assessment may form part of your Erasmus language learning portfolio.




Source/attribution:  DigiLanguages       Author:  Emma Riordan

La versione Italiana dell’ “Online Linguistic Support” (OLS) Erasmus + OLS It aiuterà i partecipanti dell’Erasmus+ a migliorare la loro conoscenza della lingua Italiana, prima e durante il loro soggiorno nel paese ospitante.


Questa piattaforma offre la possibilità di:


  1. effettuare un test di valutazione delle competenze linguistiche.
  2. partecipare ad un corso di lingua Italiana secondo le necessità linguistiche dello studente durante il periodo di mobilità.
  3. effettuare un test di verifica al rientro dal periodo di mobilità.


Per ulteriori informazioni sui test di valutazione e corsi di lingua consultate l’OLS Youtube Channel


Un ulteriore supporto linguistico mirato alla revisione della grammatica Italiana, è fornito dalla Loescher attraverso le schede grammaticali Loescher . Queste schede, divise per temi, offrono accurate spiegazioni grammaticali ed esercizi relativi.



  • Clicca su questo link schede grammaticali Loescher per accedere all’archivio grammaticale Loescher.
  • Seleziona la scheda desiderata.
  • Leggi e rifletti sulla spiegazione grammaticale presentata e completa i relativi esercizi.




Author: Silvia Benini