Overview of ICC – Reflecting on ICC

This section further explores the topic of intercultural communication for language teaching and learning, offering reflective practices for language learners during and following their intercultural exchange.

Globalised, online spaces can facilitate language learners to capture and apply language skills, share discoveries of their mobility programme, and build a portfolio or diary of their experiences.

Participation in these spaces offers language learners an opportunity to showcase evidence of consolidated learning of language practice, intercultural competence, and digital literacies, which in turn presents the language teacher with a dynamic way in which they can assess the language learners’ skills and achievements and competence in digital literacies.

Going forward, these online spaces can be maintained and used for purposes such as building a professional portfolio of achievements for postgraduate opportunities and as a method of ongoing, voluntary, self-directed pursuit of knowledge.

Activities for students to carry out independently:

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Comparing cultures and discovering if we are intercultural speakersCultura is an intercultural project that connects groups of students online to help them understand each other's culture. This activity allows the students compare their own culture with the target culture using existing online exchanges, and to reflect upon themselves as intercultural speakers.