Online Tandem Learning

Tandem learning can be an effective way of accessing native speakers of your target language and practicing in an informal, authentic way. The idea behind tandem learning is that you speak with your partner in your first language, and help them practice; they in turn do the same for you in your target language.

This can be done face-to-face where you meet a native speaker of your target language regularly, however, this may not be possible if there are not many native speakers of your target language living in your area.

There are many online learning tandem learning sites where you can virtually meet a partner over Skype or a similar tool. SeaGull is a comprehensive platform for online language learning that matches students with native speakers of the language they are learning, as well as providing guidelines, materials, and tips for tandem learning. SeaGull is supported by the European Commission’s lifelong learning initiative.

On completion of this activity students will be able to:

  • converse online with native speakers according to their language competences
  • discuss cultural topics relevant to their interests and course of study
  • work independently to improve their language skills

Learning context                        

Learning each others language in tandem with native speakers of the target language

Technology required:                  Internet connection that can support video chat.

Recommended timescale:            30 mins per week x 15 weeks

Material and links:             


  1. Register for an account on the SeaGull.
  2. You will also need to download Skype if you don’t already have it on your computer or smart device.
  3. Request to be matched with a native speaker of your target language, who wants to learn your first language.
  4. You should arrange to communicate with your partner regularly and keep a record of your experience.

The SeaGull Project provides many tips for exploiting tandem learning to improve communicative competences.

  • Use the helpful tips to get you started in the Ideas section of the menu.
  • Use the materials section in the menu to access topic sheets for your target language and language level to begin discussions with your tandem partner.


Suggestions for assessment

It is possible to achieve certification from the SeaGull project for the work completed in tandem language learning. Students who meet with their tandem partner at least 15 times can submit their records for assessment by uploading the documents here (sample of learning documentation).

Students could submit the SeaGull certification as part of the assessment criteria for a language module.

Author:  Emma Riordan using the website of the European Commission and the University of Greifswald.